Harvest Connexion Church
Amarillo, Texas

Harvest Connexion Church
In 2010, Harvest Connexion Church started as a church plant with a handful of people in Amarillo, Texas. Over the last nine years, it has grown into a multi-generational, multi-cultural, life-giving congregation that has outgrown its facility. Through the generosity of a local business, Harvest Connexion was gifted acreage located in the fastest growing area in Amarillo. The leadership of HCC had worked with Halo years prior and reached out for help.
Halo helped HCC get past the limitations and restraints their old facility had placed on them and look towards a facility that can be used as a tool to reach, teach and grow people. “Many times, clients come to us and they struggle seeing past their facility’s current limitations,” says Luke Quebe, AIA, the lead designer for the project. “Once we’re able to sit down with the collective leadership group and walk them through our past design solutions, the first step of trust is taken. Trust is key to any project. The great thing with Connexion is Pastor Curtis already had built that trust with us at a previous church, so getting the blinders off happened fairly quickly.”
The atmosphere Halo was tasked with creating was one of connection. Throughout the church, “Connexion” spaces were designed where small groups of people could gather to fellowship, connect and minister to one another. Based on the location of the church, HCC asked Halo to design a 750 Worship Space that could quickly be converted into a 1000+ seat space. In Phase I, 600 chairs will be on the floor with 150 in the balcony. As Phase II comes around, a few interior walls will be demolished and tiered, theatrical seating will be added in the areas where the walls were removed adding over an additional 250 seats.
This new facility will allow HCC to offer connection not only in Amarillo, but to the world and future generations.
Services Provided



3D Animation


