College Heights Baptist Church
Plainview, Texas


College Heights Baptist Church

With new visitors visiting College Heights Baptist Church (CHBC) every Sunday, CHBC needed a lobby space for gathering as well as a secure children’s check-in. Halo was asked to create a lobby space which helps the congregants connect before, between and after church service. With the demo of a few walls and ceilings, the lobby and secure check-in were created which also includes a coffee bar and seating pockets that foster connection. Looking down the entire thoroughfare of the lobby and beyond, the children’s check-in can be seen as the desk is slightly offset to make the secure check-in easily visible. Great care was also taken to keep existing plumbing in place and usable for the coffee bar.

With the church’s growth and the outlook for the future, this new lobby will be a focal point for members and visitors alike.

Services Provided

Church Architects - Project Planning - Lubbock TX


Church Architects - Design



3D Animation



Church Architects - FundRaising


Church Architects - Construction Consulting


Photos of Completed Project

3D Renderings

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